Sunday, February 24th, 3 pm to 5 pm
Glamourlace Lace Front Wig Studio for Women
28661 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, Michigan 48034
RSVP to (888) 679-8760, or (313) 350-4241
email cnedd@comcast.net
Same wig system worn by Tyra Banks and Beyonce'
See the new wig with the amazingly natural hairline
See a live application demonstration
Nominal fee for personal consultation, including wig fitting and to try on lace wigs
Visit our new Glamourlace Store
Directions: Lodge Freeway North turns into Northwestern Highway. Turnaround at 12 Mile to head south on Northwestern Highway. Right into driveway just south of Franklin Road (cross over Franklin Road). Park in rear of building. Walk around to front of building. Enter door 28661 Northwestern Highway.
Have Glamourous Hair in Time for Easter and Mother's Day!