In recent weeks I have posted rave reviews about Supertape. For myself and many others, my preference for Supertape has not changed. However, I have said it in the past and I'll reiterate it here, there is no one lace front wig bonding agent that works perfectly for everyone. The adhesive that will work best for you depends on your body chemistry, life style and how long you would like to keep your lace wig on between reapplications.
Prior to switching to Supertape, I used and loved Invisibond liquid adhesive. Invisibond, which is manufactured by the same company that makes Supertape, is also easy to use and waterproof. I achieved a great hold with Invisibond. However, like all liquid adhesives, there is timely clean-up. As well, even though I do use Supertape with great success. I use Invisibond for mid-wear touch-ups.
Well, Invisibond is now new and improved. Currently only available in 4 oz. bottles, Invisibond will soon be available in 2 oz. bottles, which makes it less expensive and even more portable. The Hair Network currently sells Invisibond for $35. The 2 oz. bottles will be available for $20.
Even more exciting, Invisibond will be available in different tints to match various skin tones. Even though Invisibond is purported to dry clear, using a tinted adhesive should make the end result more natural and undetectable. At least that's what we think.
The Hair Network will be among the first companies to offer tinted Invisibond and smaller bottles. Even though tinted adhesive sounds like a great idea, we will organize a focus group to test and report on the effectiveness of a tinted liquid adhesive, before giving it sweeping recommendations, so stay tuned.
Well, that's the latest on adhesives. If you have any subjects that you would like me to cover in this blog, please let me know by commenting to this blog, emailing cnedd@comcast.net, or calling (888) 679-8760. In the interim, we invite you to browse our online showroom of lace wigs at http://www.thehairnetwork.com/. If you're looking to own a lace front wig for the holidays, now's the time to get one before the Holiday rush. We are doing are best to stock up for the holidays, but our cache of lace front wigs continue to go fast. Stay in touch, and
Stay Glamourous