Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Glamour Girl Another Satisfied Customer
Meet Toni
Toni of Georgia is wearing an indian remy human hair, full lace, yaki straight Glamourlace Wig, styled by Master Stylist Daisy McEachin.
Daisy is an expert in cosmetology and specializes in lace wig applications and styling of the lace wigs. An approved Hair Network Application Center, Daisy Hair Salon, Inc. is located in a private suite at 3592 Salem Gate Plaza in Lithonia, Georgia. She works by Appointment Only and can be contacted by calling 770-262-3318.
To purchase a Glamour Lace Wig, contact Cathy Nedd at (770) 557-0473 (store), (313) 350-4241 (cell), or email cnedd@comcast.net. Click here to view our selection. We look forward to working with you so that you too can become a very satisfied Glamour Girl.
933 Main Street
Downtown Stone Mountain, Georgia
770-557-0473; (313) 350-4241
Presenting Glamour Too Styles, a New Line of Front Lace Wigs - $199 Introductory Sale

We use the same high quality indian remy human hair and adorn our natural looking hairlines with beautiful baby hair. Various textures comprise this collection, including: silky straight, yaki straight, body wave and curly. They are available in stock - in lengths 8" to 20" and colours #1, #1B and #4.
Unlike full lace wigs, front lace wigs are bonded at the hairline only, making the wig appear as though it is growing from your scalp. The back of the wig is wefted and has adjustable straps like a regular wig - another feature many of our clients have requested. Click here for more info, other photos and purchase details, or email cnedd@comcast.net.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Introducing Glamour Too, A New Line of Front Lace Wigs

Monday, August 3, 2009
“Concealing” Your Hair Underneath the Lace; Creating a Realistic Part

To help with this issue, one of my clients – a proud wearer of Glamour Lace Wigs – Alice M. from Durham, NC, shares the following tip.
Alice literally “conceals” her hair by dabbing the underside of the net cap with under eye concealer. She uses Mac Studio Stick Concealer, but says any concealer will work including Maybelline ($15) and concealer from the beauty supply store ($3).
Her technique is simple. Using a thin paint brush, purchased from Walmart, she dabs a thick dot of concealer on the back of her hand and applies a streak to the net side of the wig where she parts the hair.
“I promise it will not harm the wig, or lace, and it shampoos out easily,” says Alice. “This is my trick and it works.”
An ex-Fashion Fair and Flori Roberts Corrective Make-up Consultant, Alice says she knows a little somethin’, somethin’ about make-up.
Try this trick and let me know if it works for you. Please email me at cnedd@thehairnetwork.com with your comments, or any questions you may have about lace wigs. Your question could be answered in a future Hair Network, Glamour Lace Blog. Check out our lace wigs at http://www.thehairnetwork.com/, or call (313) 350-4241.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Cary for Wavy, Curl Lace Wigs

"Mousse and other curly-care products are needed to maintain curls from day to day," says Nedd, "butproduct build-up will cause the hair to feel gummy.
Beautiful curly locs can be maintained by following a simple care routine:
1) To form the curl, dampen hair, then apply an alcohol-free mousse. Scrunch and briefly hold hair in hand to form curls. Let dry naturally. PRODUCT RECOMMENDATION: Aussie Catch the Waves Mousse + Leave In-Conditioner.
2) Throughout the day, refrain from playing in hair. Finger-combing hair will separate the curls and add volume.
3) At night, tie hair up, or sleep with silk bonnet.
4) In the morning, re-dampen hair, scrunch and let dry naturally. Do not add more mousse, wetting the hair will re-activate mousse applied the previous day.
5) Repeat routing for about two, or three days without adding more mousse. Adding more mousse will contribute to product building, tangling and poofing.
6) On third or fourth morning, lightly shampoo hair in shower. Towel dry hair, apply mousse and repeat routine. PRODUCT RECOMMENDATION: Crème of Nature Detangling Conditioning Shampoo. SHAMPOO TIP: Do not put shampoo directly on hair. Put shampoo in water, or dilute shampoo in hands before applying to hair.
Follow this routine and you will have beautiful curly locs throughout the summer.
TheHairNetwork.com is a premier online seller of lace wigs and the manufacturer of Glamour Lace Wigs™, an exclusive collection of remy human hair lace wigs. In business for 5 years, The Hair Network, has sold more than 3,000 lace wigs to more than 2,000 customers in 22 countries around the world. Pricing is affordable, full lace wigs start at $299 for wigs up to 18" in length. For questions, comments, or additional information, visit http://www.thehairnetwork.com/, email, or call cnedd@thehairnetwork.com; (313) 350-4241.
We appreciate your feedback and if you have any other questions about lace wigs, just “Ask Cathy”.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Lace Wigs Online Are Better Than Beauty Supply Store Lace Wigs

For sale online for years, lace wigs are now available in Beauty Supply Stores. The good news is that women, who are not otherwise comfortable researching and purchasing lace wigs online, can experience the wonderful world of lace wigs. The bad news is that Beauty Supply Store lace wigs are not as good as those purchased on line, or in specialty shops – and it shows.
“As an online seller of lace wigs, one of the questions that I frequently get from women who are not familiar with lace wigs is – ‘how do lace wigs achieve their invisible hairlines?’, ‘how do they work?’ and that is hard to describe in an email, or on the telephone,” says Cathy Nedd, owner of TheHairNetwork.Com, makers of Glamour Lace wigs and long time online seller of lace wigs. “Now that they are available in the Beauty Supply Stores, women can at least see how they work. The problem is they are putting anything on their heads. The intent is for a lace wig to look like your natural hair and with the Beauty Supply Store lace wigs the hairlines are unnatural looking and the hair looks shiny and fake.”
For those who do not know, lace wigs are the latest innovation in the hair industry. Real Indian remy lace wigs – not the ones purchased at the Beauty Supply Store – are made by hand. Individual strands of hair are “ventilated” into a sheer, light net base. As a result of this “strand-by-strand” technology, when the wig is properly applied, the hair of the wig appears as though it’s growing from your scalp. The hair can be parted anywhere, for versatile styling, and worn in a high ponytail.
According to Nedd, the noticeable differences between real lace wigs and the ones available at the Beauty Supply Store, are as follows:
Horseshoe Hairline – Beauty Supply Store lace wigs have an unnatural-looking hairline. The hairline looks like a perfect circle, or horseshoe which is a tale-tale sign. Real Indian remy lace wigs, like Glamour Lace Wigs, have a natural hairline. No one’s actual hairline is a perfect circle.
Baby Hair - Beauty Supply Store lace wigs do not have baby hair. Real indian remy human hair lace wigs, like Glamour Lace Wigs, have lots of beautiful baby hair which adds to the allure of the natural hairline of a lace wig.
Synthetic Hair – The majority of the lace wigs in the Beauty Supply Store are made from synthetic fibers. Synthetic fibers are okay if the wig is removed and re-attached every day. Lace wigs are “applied” with skin-safe adhesives. They are not meant to be removed every night. Synthetic fibers will quickly show wear and tear with constant body heat, showers, swimming, working out and cooking.
Silicone Coated Human Hair – The human hair lace wigs that are available in Beauty Supply Stores are made of an inferior grade of human hair that has been coated with silicone to make it appear nice. Once that hair has been shampooed, the true inferior performance of the hair will show.
“Remi” Branding – Beauty Supply Stores deceive their customers by taking advantage of the word “remy”, a word used in the industry that has become synonymous with quality human hair. The manufacturers of the Beauty Supply Store lace wigs are hiding behind the legality of branding and changing the spelling of the word, i.e. “remi” vs. “remy” – thereby using the word as a brand name as opposed to a description of the quality of the hair.
Front Lace vs. Full Lace – Nearly all of the lace wigs available in the Beauty Supply Stores are “front” lace wigs – without much lace - and not “full” lace wigs. Full lace wigs provide the wearer with an opportunity to make deep parts for versatile styling and wear the wig in a high ponytail. With full lace, the wig is bonded around the perimeter of the wig – the hair at the nape also looks as though it’s growing from the head.
These are a few differences between Beauty Supply Store lace wigs and “Real” Indian remy human hair lace wigs. While Beauty Supply Store lace wigs may be good for experimentation, real Indian remy lace wigs are ideal. And at TheHairNetwork.com, they are also affordable. To see and/or purchase, real Indian remy human hair lace wigs, visit The Hair Network at http://www.thehairnetwork.com/, call, or email Cathy Nedd directly at (313) 350-4241, cnedd@thehairnetwork.com.
If you have any other questions about lace wigs, just “Ask Cathy”.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Glamour Lace Wig Clearance - $250

All Wigs are 100% Indian Remy, Human Hair, Full Lace
For more information, call The Hair Network at (313) 350-4241, or email cnedd@comcast.net. The following lace wigs are on clearance and can ship within 24 hours:
Body Wave, #1B/30, 18", Small Cap
Curly, #4/30, 18", Large Cap
Body Wave, #1B, 14", Small Cap
Silky Straight, #4/30, 16", Small Cap
Yaki Straight, #1B/30, 12", Small Cap
Yaki Straight, #1B/27, 18', Medium Cap
Yaki Straight, #4, 12", Small Cap
Curly, #4, 14', Small Cap
Kinky Straight, #27/30, 18", Medium Cap
Kinky Straight, #4/27, 18", Small Cap
Kinky Curl, #1B, 16", Small Cap
Kinky Curl, #1, 18", Small Cap
Kinky Curl, #4, 14", Medium Cap
Curly, #4, 16", Medium Cap
Kinky Curl, #1B, 18", Small Cap